R.H.D. DeLoreans

As if there were not enough controversial aspects to the production of the DeLorean, one more comes into play, Right Hand Drive DeLoreans. Some speculate that there are no "official" RHD DeLoreans, while others say differently. Here to clear up these rumors is a friend of mine and well-known DeLorean figure in the UK and the US, Chris Parnham. I was able to sit down with him for an in depth interview on this specific issue while at the Eurofest. Many thanks to Chris for this interview, and I am sure whomever downloads these clips will learn something new.
Real Media Movie Clip Downloads:
- Why some don't believe in RHD DeLoreans and the company chosen by DMC to do the conversions.
- RHD Interview - Part 1 [1.3 MB]
- The vin plate assignment, John D's own car, and RHD Automatics.
- RHD Interview - Part 2 [1.5 MB]
- Clip three covers the number of these cars built and how much a conversion would cost.
- RHD Interview - Part 3 [1.1 MB]
- Clip four covers the better performance of RHD cars and the resurrection of "dusty."
- RHD Interview - Part 4 [1.6 MB]
Your Classic July 1992

Another gripe with maneuvering is the combined effects of left-hand drive (only a handful of RHD cars were made), a width of over 6ft and the usual visibility problems of low-slung cars with their engines behind the driver.
full article
"Here is one of Chris's cars, "Delores." This car shows some of the unique things done to the DeLorean to make it driveable in the UK. This car has the radio antenna at the roofline, the turn signals are a different shade, and the reflectors are missing, but are replaced by little turn lamps nearest to the doors."

- Real Media Movie Clip Download:
- RHD [4.1 MB]

"The differences continue into the rear. The tail lamps were custom fitted and came from a bus that was produced at the time. These contain fog lamps, a standard in the UK. The license plate holder is more suited for the longer UK versions as well. Press on the film reel to hear Chris's story on his other RHD car, the famous 'Dusty'."