Legend Turbo - VIN 01860

- Real Media Movie Clip Download:
- Legend Turbo VIN 01860 [2.1 MB]

"This is no regular DeLorean. Underneath that engine bay is a prototype custom built Legend Industries Twin Turbo engine. Download the video clip to hear the current owner discuss how this car got blessed with such a rare engine."
Now! March 21, 1980

Belfast is so used to the bad news, it is genuinely hard for its people to get their hearts around the idea that something good could happen. Small wonder the news that DeLorean is negotiating a bus contract for America as well as planning a four-seater car "to offset the hazards of a single product enterprise" has been dreadfully construed here.
full article
"Note the difference in location of the intercoolers as opposed to VIN #502. In order to make room for the massive turbo boosters below, the alternator is moved upwards on the right side of the engine block."