Gold DeLoreans

A 24K Gold plated DeLorean is a great idea, but not the most practical one. But Mr. DeLorean wasn't always concerned with the most practical approach to things, which is why the DeLorean automobile was produced in the first place. In terms of the Gold DeLoreans, there were two official Gold DeLoreans made exclusively for sale out of the American Express Christmas Catalogue. 100 Gold cars were slated to be made, but only two were made in December of 1981 under strict security at the Belfast plant. The price tag was a cool $85,000 dollars. Pretty expensive in today's standards, and this was 1981! The third Gold DeLorean was the last car to be produced (VIN 20105) and was built using spare parts made from the first two Gold DeLoreans encase anything happened to those cars. Interestingly enough, the last DeLorean produced used the saddle brown interior, which is only found on one of the original Gold DeLoreans. To see the original American Express Catalogue, stop by the DeLorean History Section of the site. Enjoy this very rare and rich section.
VIN 04301
Performance Car, January 1984

Millions of words written by journalists on both sides of the Atlantic have chronicled the rise and fall of DeLorean the man; the mysterious dealings with Collin Chapman and Lotus Cars, miss-appropriated funds and extravagant life-styles. But what of the car itself, the DMC-12? Surprisingly, although the Dunmurry workforce produced over 8,000 gull-wing DeLorean's, the car has remained a mystery to most car enthusiasts outside the United States.
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"Take a look at that beauty. This was an interesting project for my car company. This is one of two Gold DeLoreans made officially for the American Express Catalogue. This car found its way to a bank in Snyder, Texas, where it sat in a glass case in the lobby for 24 years. "

- Real Media Movie Clip Download:
- Golden DMC VIN 04301 [2.5 MB]

"The car now resides at the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles, CA. It was donated recently to the museum by the two daughters of the previous owner, Roger Mize. Big Texas showcases some pictures of the car when it was at the bank. Download the video clip to see a short video of the car."
AMI Auto World Weekly, April 10, 2001

In all, some 8,400 DeLorean automobiles were built. Today, like other hard-luck marques (Edsel, Avanti, Pantera), the DeLorean nameplate enjoys a small but enthusiastic following.
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"This car is the only Gold DeLorean to have a black interior, as opposed to the saddle brown interior the other two cars were built with. Notice the gold plating peeking out beneath the passenger door. Every piece of the car was 24K gold plated, even if it wasn't meant to be seen.