
"How would you like the totally rust proof DeLorean? Well, here is a prototype Stainless Steel frame. Download the video clip to see more on this piece of beauty".
- Real Media Movie Clip Download:
- Stainless Steel Frame [0.6 MB]
Popular Science March 1982

When was the last time you drove a car with smaller wheels in front than in the rear? The DeLorean has them - 14-inch wheels in front and 15-inch on the rear. Balance and handling are the primary reasons for this unorthodox feature.
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"The production frames were all epoxy coated, which has left the possibility of rust to form when chips form on the frame. Press here for a different angle of the front section of this frame."
T. & Classic Cars Jan. 2001

The steering, like a Porsche 911's, is uncorrupted and communicative, while the weight of the outboard rear engine is disguised by massive 15in wheels and tyres (they dwarf the front 14in ones).
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"Viewing this frame up close was really a treat. It is unfortunate that certain problems couldn't be worked out in order to productionize this great idea."
The Encyclopedia Of Super Cars 1991

John Z. was born and raised in the 'motor city', studied law at night school, spent part of World War II in the US army, dabbled at being an insurance salesman and eventually progressed to studying automobile engineering. While he was a student he was arrested for running a small-time scam selling advertising space in a non-existent Yellow Pages-type directory, but it didn't stop him gaining his degree in Automotive Engineering from the Chrysler Institute, and from there on his career was meteoric.
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"The biggest problem with the SS frame during initial tests was the susceptibility it had to cracking at very low temperatures. This was not acceptable since the car was to be driven in the US were it could get very cold in certain areas."
Motor Oct. 12, 1985

DeLorean is not a man to go into specifics, but he has already claimed that the Firestar will have a "bigger engine" than the DMC-12 - it would need to, as the DMC was never a ball of fire in terms of performance.
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"This is a nice shot of the PRV engine nestled in the rear of the Stainless Steel DeLorean frame."