Nov. 21, 1999
- Created Hibernation subsection under My Delorean section
- Updated Awards subsection under My Delorean section
Nov. 19, 1999
Updated Maintenance section
- Updated Awards subsection under My Delorean section
- Added two sets to Custom Deloreans section
- Added one set to Back to the Futuresection
- Added one set to Car Showssection
Added four Articles:
- Car and Driver - The DeLorean Dilemma (July 1981)
- Road & Track - Delightful Delovely Delorean? (June 1981)
- Playboy - John Delorean Finally Gets Cross-Examined (Oct. 1985)
- Motor Trend - Introducing the 1979 DeLorean - the Car and the Company (Sept. 1977)
Added two subsections under John Z. Delorean:
- John and I - My meeting with Mr. Delorean
- Questionnaire - A set of questions Mr. Delorean was kind enough to fill out
Added two subsections to Delorean Quizzes
Created D. Advertisements section with three advertisements
- Craig - Car Stereo
- Sylvania - Halogen Sealed Beams
- Delorean - Live The Dream
- Created Links Page
- Created D's On TV Section with 10 clips
- Six Movies - BTTF 1/2/3, The Wedding Signer, Rocky III, Beverly Hills Cop
- Two Shows - Matlock, Back To The Future Cartoons
- Two Documentaries - History's Greatest Blunders, True Hollywood Story
- Created Sad Deloreans section with two sets
- Created D. Services section
Created D. Midwest Con. section with three subsections:
- Intro
- Don Gowler - Interview
- Club Events - Tech Day, Dyno Testing
Sept. 1999
Moved site to own domain name - www.entermyworld.com
July 14, 1999
- Updated Author's Note section
- Updated John Z. Delorean section
- Updated Maintenance section
Complete over-haul of My Delorean section, replaced most pictures
- Added Undercarriage section
- Added Awards section
- Created Custom Deloreans section with four sets
- Created Car Shows section with three sets
Created Articles section with four articles:
- Chicago Sun-Times - Lure and Lore of Delorean (Jan. 5, 1997)
- Car and Driver - I Remember John Z. (June 1993)
- Elite Cars - DeLOREAN DMC~12
- Associated Press - British close books on DeLorean (moved to clippings page 2)
- Created Delorean Quiz section
- Created Back To The Future section with three sets
- Created new guestbook at www.bravenet.com
- Redesigned general appearance and menu system
- Moved site to http://homepages.go.com/~82delorean
March 25, 1999
Created site and hosted at www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Boulevard/2171