Tech. Day Spring 2000
This Technical day occurred a few weeks before the big Cleveland convention. A lot of members used the time to get their cars ready for the big show.
Motor Trend June 1981

The consensus that emerges is that the DeLorean association with Lotus has paid off with a car that works quite well.
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"This tech. day was held at Nequa Valley High School in Naperville, Illinois."
Crossroads March 1981

Despite his controversial lifestyle and continuing differences with upper management, his exemplary performance at Chevrolet was rewarded in 1972 when he was appointed group vice president in charge of all GM's U.S. car and truck operations.
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"There is Steger from DeLorean Motor Center; he flew in from California to help work on the clubs cars."
People July 29, 1974

John, the car-crazy son of a setup man in a Ford foundry in Detroit, earned a B.S. at Michigan's Lawrence Institute of Technology and two master's degrees at night school. He started as an engineer at Packard and was credited with 200 patents and participated in numerous innovations (the recessed windshield wiper, the Pontiac wide-track look) on his way to becoming, at 44, the youngest Chevrolet division boss in G.M history.
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"The school has a very modern shop with many lifts and up to date tools."
Road & Track Dec. 1981

In the interim, the DeLorean driver can take comfort in the engine's easy cold starting and impeccable driveability-no stumbling or stalling, hot or cold.
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"I replaced my coolant tank with a new Stainless Steel one and replaced all the gas struts with the help of some of my group members."
Road & Track June 1981

Dimensionally, the DeLorean is slightly smaller than a Corvette and roughly comparable to a Lotus Esprit Series 2.
full article
"This red DeLorean has been around the world literally. It was just brought to the states from India. "