Pigeon Forge 2004

- Real Media Movie Clip Download:
- Oliver's BTTF Style Car DMC [2.2 MB]

"Oliver continues to amaze me with his Back To The Future Time Machine. The attention to detail is great and I really appreciate the BTTF1 style rear end with the hook and plutonium chamber. Download the video clip to see a video of his car in both daytime and night mode."
Car (Feb. 1979)

The DMC12 is described by its instigator as a new morality in cars because it is light and thus economical; safe, and energy-economical it is production. DeLorean claims that its assembly uses 1.5 barrels of oil less than similar sports-car production lines. In concept it is closest to the Lotus esprit, and it is thus no surprise to discover that Collin Chapman, recently signed a development contract with John Z by which Lotus are charged with perfecting the final design of the DMC12.
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"The addition of the Mr. Fusion is key, and the screen accurate banana peel is the perfect touch. Now where is the beer can? Come on Oliver, fork it over. ;)"

- Real Media Movie Clip Download:
- Interview with Oliver [3.2 MB]

"Take a look at that display. The simulated flames and spinning license plate is just the cherry on the top. Download the video clip for an interview with Oliver on the updates made to the BTTF car since the last show and also experience a drive along."
Car (April 1981)

Add a beard and a few years to the handsome, craggy features of John Zachary DeLorean and he could be everyone's archetype of Moses.
full article
"The smoke machine is a great touch to their car and makes the most sense, since their car is in BTTF1 mode at the current moment. Press here to see a larger image of this picture. Oliver and his wife won best BTTF car from celebrity BTTF judges, Bob Gale and Claudia Wells. Congratulations guys!"